Wednesday, 26 March 2025

The cadenza

What are we trying to compensate for 
when we write? If we were entirely content 
with our life and at peace with the world
we would not feel this compulsion to create,
to insert what is missing or adjust what's there.
We would not continue if the need was fulfilled
by our endeavours. To what unsatisfied perversion
are our poems oblique reference and testimony? 

I had the familiar dream the other night. 
I am on stage, completely unprepared,
directing an orchestra from the keyboard
as we perform a classical concerto, 
and I have no idea how I got there. 

All eyes are on me, expecting great things.
The auditorium is full. Silence falls. We start. 
I somehow manage, working from the score 
and what I remember of the piece,
having listened to it from time to time.
I feign confidence, reassure the players, 
bring them in, accompany them on the piano, 
conceal my terror beneath a smile,
and imagine that I am getting away with it,

until we get to the cadenza, that is. Everyone 
is silently watching and waiting for my solo, 
expecting something I've prepared in advance,
some display of virtuosity and musical fireworks
going on a journey, building tension to be resolved 
in an almost erotic release at the final cadence, 
but I have no idea what to do. 
I am totally exposed. I begin. 

I tentatively explore musical space at first
using an anachronistic language, modal, dissonant, 
until I find a pulse, and iterate some chromatic motif,
abandon tonality, improvise, intuit, feel my way 
through this extemporisation, embrace my solitude,
enter the forest, find the remote clearing
where at last I can assemble from great slabs of sound
a temple to forgotten gods, forever undiscovered, 
already abandoned before it is finished, 
and on its altar I lay the final notes,
tributes to futility and sadness so profound
it saturates the diffuse mist surrounding me 
and lends it a weight, palpable, luminous, lingering.

The orchestra look at me bewildered.
I cue them into the closing tutti al fine
and we sprint to the end, 
the ecstasy now ridiculous and surreal. 

Confusion. Polite applause. Dissatisfied murmuring.
People are privately appalled. Refunds are requested.
I got away with nothing. Complaints are made, 
I stand by it. I am dismissed from my post,
but I stand by it. It expressed how I feel. 

I don't care. It's not about me. I don't matter.
The other musicians don't matter.
The audience doesn't matter. All that matters
is the music, a truth that is not discovered, 
nor is it created, but is somehow made manifest,
and to be present when that happens is to be alive, 
fully, finally complete and sufficient in myself,
and I don't care if that means 
I seem like a monster to you.

Friday, 21 March 2025

Latha bàrdachd na Cruinne

Brìde, ar bàrr-ban-dia trì-theangach, 
thoir ur tìodhlac na faclan do bàrd,
Gàidhlig is Albais is Beurla,
trì rathaidean chun breugan
air na beòil na daoine
ach tha bàrdachd an ceòl na smuaintean.
Tha an cùis an ceòl, cha na smuaintean.

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

A muster of makars

What is the collective noun for makars?
A murder of makars, like a colloquy of crows,
a hoarse conclave of doom 
rebuking us from their pulpit, 
perched on some bare tree branch 
that has yet to recover from winter 
and put out new buds 
and alleviate the harsh doctrine 
with the promise of the brief respite 
a Scottish summer provides? 
Perhaps a mell of makars 
letting their lines wriggle like worms
across the pasture of the page,
or a mischief of makars, 
like mice nibbling old books
written by illustrious predecessors
as if they were loaves of bread, 
the library a bakery, a boulangerie, 
a patisserie of poetry, their own poems 
still half baked? Or a mob of makars? 
No, poets are not like kangaroos,
but more like peacocks 
in their confident, flamboyant display,
as they open their latest collection to read,
so it must be a muster! A muster of makars!

Monday, 17 March 2025

Dreadful night

We live in lack, 
abide in absence, 
vagrants in a vacuum:
this is not a planet. 
This is an asteroid, 
a comet whose eccentric orbit
brings us to a perilous perihelion
once every ten thousand years. 
The rest of the time we are lost
in the desert of wasted grief
whose star sand runs 
through an infinite hourglass.
The rest of the time we sleep
in caves of ice, and dream
a shared hallucination of the real, 
a seance in which we summon
a sense of here and now. 
In the shuffled deck of dreams
we deal ourselves at this grey table
a hand beautiful and grotesque
of princes, knaves and queens, 
cups and swords and spells 
and incantations. Remain silent. 
Why should I not stay silent
when evil coins all the words?
Why should I not stay silent
when anything I say invites harm?
I shall retreat, retire, to haunt 
the mausoleum of my murdered Muse,
hidden in canyons and dark declivities
where the Moon turns away from Earth
and shows herself only to the stars. 

Friday, 14 March 2025


You aren't really here, at least,
not in the way you would be here
if I took a photograph of you right now. 
Years from now you'd look at the photograph
and remember what it was like to be here, 
but that's not what it's really like, 
just the way you would remember it. 
Memory doesn't the record the present, 
it redacts it. I look at the photograph,
try to get my fingernails under its edge
so I can unpick it from the present,
peel it away, see what things were really like
without the intercession of memory, 
but of course I fail, and only see
what I want to see. 

We build our logic on such fallacies. 
The salience of similarities 
forms the basis of valid analogies, 
coincidences and cross-purposes
that retain a temporary truth 
until their inevitable contradiction:
the redness of the apple is like
the redness of your lover's lips. 
The redness of the sands of Mars, 
lets us talk about about the redness 
of the star Betelgeuse to future generations 
who will never see it after the glow 
of its impending supernova fades.
We will be able to show them pictures
of course, but it won't be the same. 
They won't see what we saw. 

Wednesday, 12 March 2025


She said poetry was a crime
against the sullen self we share, 
that single soul we take turns renting
from eternity and oblivion, the leasehold voice,
the ghost of love our borrowed hearts inhale
with every beat, abandon with the next, 
the lie we must believe, the heretic faith
that fends off indifference or despair, 

but the poem is a wound that bleeds shadow, 
screams silence at the end of empty speech, 
a prophecy and a curse that annihilates 
and transforms what can't be spoken
into words that heal strangers defeated
by generations of secrecy and deception.
We bind the limp forearm, mangled with excuses, 
and stitch it shut with the medicine of myth. 

We launch ourselves upon epics of sin,
seeking blessed isles of lost innocence
promised us by gods long since departed.
Our world is an ocean of divine amnesia.
The creator forgot us not long after 
the idle whim of our creation. 
Our search for meaning is an end in itself.

We aim a broken sextant at a false meridian,
hallucinate a course across unreliable charts,
and enthusiastically congratulate ourselves
on the great achievement we call navigation
through the infinite absence of God,
lords of lack in that desert of desecration 
our prows probe with conquistador curiosity.

Our position may be correct by accident.
There's always that possibility.  
Science improves our chances, 
but we will never know the exact odds, 
just the increment by which they shift
as we drift in their variable favour. 
We wouldn't know if we were right anyway,
even if we were, because we are lost, 
and that is the essence of being lost.  

So when the command comes, remember
it has all the authority of the thin air
into which our certainty has vanished.
What can we be sure of? Each other, 
after all the ignorance and betrayal
we practise on each other every day?
Ourselves, crippled by anxiety and resentment,
thwarted entitlement, petty grievance, 
abject terror before the monolith of others?

No, our mutiny, our poem, is a rebellion
against the self we inherit, the insect self
that infects and infiltrates the ant hill brain,
the self we're sold that buys nice clothes,
takes pride in tribe, finds salience in similarity, 
and fantasises about wealth and power. 

Our mutiny reinstates the presence of God. 
It consecrates every gutter. It sinks 
the origami boat of pretension and law
Our rebellion is against the fraudulent self,
and connects us to others in whom we seek the self
that we will recognise in the wilderness, the humility
that grapples us to the presence of God.

The secret

The bullet is a star.
The barrel is a torch
shining up under my chin
through the top of my head
and into an infinite sky. 
Trigger warning:
scary flashlight face. 
The barrel is a telescope
that can see round corners. 
The bullet is a boomerang
I ride around the block. 
The muzzle flash 
is an instant here
and an eternity 
in some alien astronomy
observed from the surface 
of another world 
where I also live, 
have always somehow lived, 
a nova announcing 
some dark nativity there
during a season of grief. 
The lead is heavy with grief.
These two ounces of lead 
in the back of the mind,  
are a colossal asteroid of grief
for ancient extinctions, 
for unknown, unknowable loss,
for billions of years of death.
It prowls an ancient eccentric orbit
that takes it past other planet killers
in the cold congregation of comets,
each year a bullet, each year a star, 
that dances on your fingertips
as you type this poem. The reason 
I found my way back to this world, 
following my orbit back to you, 
the thing I call cowardice
and my therapist calls courage, 
the decision I made, 
the guarantee I gave myself, 
remains a mystery to me, a whisper
carried on some celestial breeze
from another world where another me 
knows why but keeps it a secret.