What are we trying to compensate for
when we write? If we were entirely content
with our life and at peace with the world
we would not feel this compulsion to create,
to insert what is missing or adjust what's there.
We would not continue if the need was fulfilled
by our endeavours. To what unsatisfied perversion
are our poems oblique reference and testimony?
I had the familiar dream the other night.
I am on stage, completely unprepared,
directing an orchestra from the keyboard
as we perform a classical concerto,
and I have no idea how I got there.
All eyes are on me, expecting great things.
The auditorium is full. Silence falls. We start.
I somehow manage, working from the score
and what I remember of the piece,
having listened to it from time to time.
I feign confidence, reassure the players,
bring them in, accompany them on the piano,
conceal my terror beneath a smile,
and imagine that I am getting away with it,
until we get to the cadenza, that is. Everyone
is silently watching and waiting for my solo,
expecting something I've prepared in advance,
some display of virtuosity and musical fireworks
going on a journey, building tension to be resolved
in an almost erotic release at the final cadence,
but I have no idea what to do.
I am totally exposed. I begin.
I tentatively explore musical space at first
using an anachronistic language, modal, dissonant,
until I find a pulse, and iterate some chromatic motif,
abandon tonality, improvise, intuit, feel my way
through this extemporisation, embrace my solitude,
enter the forest, find the remote clearing
where at last I can assemble from great slabs of sound
a temple to forgotten gods, forever undiscovered,
already abandoned before it is finished,
and on its altar I lay the final notes,
tributes to futility and sadness so profound
it saturates the diffuse mist surrounding me
and lends it a weight, palpable, luminous, lingering.
The orchestra look at me bewildered.
I cue them into the closing tutti al fine
and we sprint to the end,
the ecstasy now ridiculous and surreal.
Confusion. Polite applause. Dissatisfied murmuring.
People are privately appalled. Refunds are requested.
I got away with nothing. Complaints are made,
I stand by it. I am dismissed from my post,
but I stand by it. It expressed how I feel.
I don't care. It's not about me. I don't matter.
The other musicians don't matter.
The audience doesn't matter. All that matters
is the music, a truth that is not discovered,
nor is it created, but is somehow made manifest,
and to be present when that happens is to be alive,
fully, finally complete and sufficient in myself,
and I don't care if that means
I seem like a monster to you.