Thursday, 24 November 2016

The Daily Mail Online reports on the Jo Cox murder trial

Yesterday the neo-Nazi terrorist who murdered the elected MP Jo Cox last June was convicted and sentenced to life in gaol. This case has rightly been among the lead items in news bulletins and the headlines on the front pages of the press recently. 

The police investigation indicates that, although he had taken an interest in far-right white supremacist groups in the '90s, he had not been particularly active until radicalised by the toxic discourse surrounding the Brexit debate this year. One of the main publications disseminating the language to which he responded is the Daily Mail. 

Here is how the Daily Mail Online was reporting on this case today:

But that's the home page. Maybe it's reported more prominently on the News Section?

This time it is even further down the page. At least they've included more content though? Hold on a minute: "Did Neo-Nazi murder Jo over fear he'd lose council house he grew up in? Terrorist thought property could end up being occupied by an immigrant family." 

So, wait a minute - it's really the fault of some hypothetical immigrants, and not the poor quiet unassuming Neo-Nazi terrorist after all? 

No, wait: "Jo Cox's murderer sought help for mental health issues from therapist the day before he killed the MP." Ah, so it was the fault of the NHS and health care professionals. 

Earlier this month the American white supremacist Richard Spencer, at a rally of some euphemistically named front organisation, in an electrifying speech that ticked off most of the items in Umberto Eco's inventory of 14 characteristics of fascism, used the Nazi-beloved term "lügenpresse" (lying press) to describe a mainstream media he felt misrepresented his interests. I don't think he needs to worry about the Daily Mail.  

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