Sunday, 17 April 2016

They privatised my kidneys

They privatised my kidneys
which means I owe them piss.
They came to take my colon,
well they can take jack shit.
They patented my genome
so they won't be surprised
when I turn all green and angry
and tear down their franchise.
The revolution's coming. 
I feel it in my bones. 
I reach inside where they can't reach
and pull out ancient stones.
The graves of famous soldiers
and soldiers still unknown
will be the altar where their brains
are dashed out with those stones.
Let's shed a little sunlight 
on the wisdom from that font. 
Let's see the genius insight
that knows why fear and want
is borne by the many 
so the few can act like cunts.
Let's reconstruct the thought process
that thinks that that's alright
in laboratory conditions.
We'll find it's a freakish sight. 
The revolution's coming:
the whisper in the gutter, 
the fear around the corner, 
the truth they dare not utter.
They privatised my kidneys. 
Their gurus said it's smart. 
They'll find it's not as easy
to privatise my heart. 

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