I watched about 20 minutes worth of BBC News last night. It reported on the Rio Olympics by observing "It has already been a big summer for sport: Frome in the Tour de France, Murray at Wimbledon, Wales at the Euros, Leicester in the Premiership ... but this has the potential to top even that."
This was after ten minutes of unremitting negativity in which the Rio Olympics were reported exclusively in relation to public disorder, political and economic turmoil, the zika virus, security challenges and opportunities for terrorism, and doping scandals.
It would seem the BBC considers Brazil to be guilty of the heinous crime of not being British enough. The UK being such a paragon of political and economic stability and moral probity these days.
The next item on the news was mainly about how the Eistedfodd - an annual Welsh language event held in Wales - might not be immediately accessible to people who don't speak Welsh. In a week when BBC Radio 5 Live asked itself the question "should we just let Welsh die?" one might perceive a pattern of hostility towards Welsh from our "British" state broadcaster.
BBC Scotland ("news from where you are") then led with an item about "Rangers" having an unspecified complaint about a police report that reflects poorly on them. The details of the complaint are unknown: they refuse to say what's wrong, just that they're unhappy. That is newsworthy apparently.
RBS are about £50bn into paying off the £70bn they spent on ABN Amro before it turned out to be worthless. The situation was reported on in suitably apocalyptic terms without making reference to any of the salient facts.
We are being slowly poisoned. We are drip fed an agenda by the supposedly impartial and objective BBC. This agenda is toxic.
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