I will not be bound by any oath.
I pledge allegiance to the unaligned.
I promise to question every value.
and uphold the sovereignty of doubt,
and all her lawful heirs and successors,
no matter what the consequences.
I salute the rag with which I blow my nose,
and scorn every frontier, cross every border,
and then make every ditch I find a Rubicon
with which to irrigate your indivisible territory.
I affirm that I will hold my duties in disdain.
and leave absent any office
that you should presume to bestow on me,
as though there had been a break in,
and you will have to frame your laws most subtley
to pretend my actions in any way imply obedience
for I will be a moving target, slipping from their aim,
eluding the cross hairs of every constitution
escaping the net of all its amendments,
for you will not govern me,
so help you, Almighty God.
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