Tuesday, 20 December 2016

The feast

I watch the clock's broad face high upon the wall:
                it blossoms and bursts with hours,
                it is a prettily posed hour-flower,
                each segment is a bright petal, pivoting
                upon the slender stem of midnight. 
Blade secretly palmed,
                time caresses the flower, then
                presses hard his hidden inner edge
                and with a single, swift stroke,
                removes the day to fold and press and thumb it
                into his book and slot it on the shelf forever.

Ice chimes in my glass   
                and black, pungent absinthe
                coils its tendrils around my heart,
as I tease the volume from its interstice
                and peel the pages left and right
                about the spine of time
My finger finds the lines
                for which the lanterns of my eyes were lit.

Since the day I was woken,
                expelled from the womb, all light burst open
                and split and spilled and slid tumbling out,
                diurnal sun displacing mother’s heartbeat as my timepiece,
                and the gentle glowing sunrise in which I endlessly slept
                usurped by a waking tyranny of sunrise and sunset,
I have been embarked upon
                a secret search for lost intimacy,
                a dark and secret thing of shame
                in this wide open world of unforgiving light.

It was not found
                among the gentle deceptions of tenderness
                where deceit knots and coils itself tight
                around the roots of every winter rose
                that lingers in the stiff marshy cold of that garden
                where I watch breath hang in the air
                despite the heavy lie it carries, 

and so I expose myself alone
                in remote, violent and desolate wastelands,
                rust red deserts that no heart-pump can irrigate,
                knowing that my own destruction is more sincere
                than the smiles that pillowed my soul among men
                while their smoky words were still shifting in the air.

I will rip out the wolf's windpipe with my teeth,
                and steal his howl and with it bind the moon
                and take it down as a dish to lick greedily
                at my own oblivion. Every snail is a tongue
                with which I find clean unsullied soil to consume.
I inhale the fatal moonlight,
                burrow into atoms to find their sullen stolen souls,
                shuffle spectral lines to deal death's gambits
                upon idyllic pacific ocean island atolls,
                from a clear blue sky beset with the twisted spine
                of man's con-trails and con-tricks.
I fall slug-tongued upon the famine-feast of burnt dirt,
                and shovel through apocalyptic ash
                seeking to digest my own disintegration
                but all I find is you, here, now:

feast on me.

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