Tuesday, 27 December 2016


The day is embedded in lead:
                motion is impossible during its hours
                clasped within this grey wet clay day.
A weird and weightless glass
                has been poured over the mechanism of the clock,
                smothering every cog, infiltrating every gear
                and has stiffened and set hard and fast.
I peer and pore over
                the blueprinted view of every exploded infinitesimal,
                the meticulously recorded minutes of every moment,
                the bewildering instructions for assembling each second,
                unwrapping each flat packed part, matching it with the manifest
                and wondering about the purpose of the bits left over.
And then suddenly you smile,
                and the glass is cracked
                the plans are ripped up and cast away
                moments melt and fuse, boil and rage,
                in terror and exhilaration
                as the spring of time uncoils at last

                and my heart is catapulted into the unknown once again.

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