Friday, 23 December 2016

To rule by scorn

The Scottish Government publishes proposals regarding Brexit reflecting the referendum result in Scotland of a nearly 2 to 1 vote for Remain. European leaders respond by saying they are positive and constructive. The president of the European Commission indicates they are worthy of consideration. The Green Party observes that they represent the "maximum extent of compromise" in relation to accommodating the UK Government's requirements.

What is the response of the UK Government? It is threefold:

1) Rejection of the proposals within 3 hours of publication, that is, before they could even have possibly read them and developed an informed opinion.

2) Repetition ad nauseam of the "trade fallacy" - the idea that Scotland relies on trade with rUK and so would be at a disadvantage under the terms of any differentiated arrangement. No detriment is possible without offering Scotland less favourable terms than the rest of the Common Market, which is not only vindictive, but undermines any possible Article 50 negotiating position.

3) Invidious promulgation of the "SNP hate the English" meme through mainstream and social media and their own loyal cohorts to distract from and undermine the Scottish Government's proposals, and divert attention from their own deeply embarassing lack of anything resembling a coherent plan.

This is not governance we are seeing from Westminster. It is chaos and naked contempt. And to rule by scorn is not to rule for long.

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